
This is a page about the services, which I offer.

It carries a lot more details than what I put on the homepage - I swear!

You want to know what I can do for you?

Well, let me tell ya!

Tarot and clairvoyance

This is not an easy task. You will likely have to pay money for this. You know what - let us look at a nice picture first.

Nice picture to make you pay me ;-)

Wow. That was nice, right? Well, call me and let us talk.

Energy forecasts, personalised guidance, astrology

Did you see the picture with tarot cards above? I can show you how to go from

Let us get started on a clean slate


Let us get started on a clean slate

After exposing me your problem, or concerns and questions, I will provide an analysis report to help you consolidate your energy and support you in your choices. It is an assistance, a kind of friendly helping hand to come to the rescue in a moment of indecision.